Assisted Living

Floor Plans & Rates

Assisted Living

Assisted Living offers residential, regular and intense care in a modern facility featuring spacious living rooms with large windows, rock fireplace, elegant dining room, hair salon and activity center. Private and semi-private resident rooms are available, and nursing care is provided around the clock to manage medications, serve meals and assist residents with daily living tasks.

The Meadows

Offers residential, regular and intense assisted living care in a modern facility featuring spacious living rooms with large windows, rock fireplace, elegant dining room, hair salon and activity center. Private and semi-private resident rooms are available, and nursing care is provided around the clock to manage medications, serve meals and assist residents with daily living tasks.

*Approximate floor plans for The Meadows, rooms may vary slightly. Furniture is to scale. The rate for Assisted Living care is a flat rate that includes the room and care.

Semi Private

Residents in semi-private rooms share living space and bath facilities. Sharing a room is a cost effective living option for many couples or friends.


Small Private

Small private rooms give residents the opportunity to have a private living area while sharing a bathroom facility with one other resident.


Large Private

Residents enjoy a large, spacious living area with private bathroom. The Meadows offers fourteen of our large private rooms.


Amenities Available

  • A choice of private or semi-private rooms with full bath
  •  Sitting areas with large windows and fireplace
  •  Emergency call response system in every room & bathroom
  •  Variety of sitting areas: activity room, den, covered porches, gazebos
  •  Fire safety and sprinkler system
  •  Full-service beauty/barber shop
  •  Chaplaincy service and Sunday worship, Bible studies, hymn sing
  •  Vibrant daily activity program
  •  Physician on-site consults with residents

Monthly rate includes:

+ Room accommodations and care
+ Three meals a day
+ Morning and afternoon snacks

+ Nursing supervision
+ Full social calendar
+ Scheduled outings
+ Spiritual, physical, and
cultural activities

+ Laundry service
+ Linen service
+ Telephone access

Daily care included in rate and consists of:

Eating, bathing, dressing,
toileting, bowel and bladder control, transferring,
ambulation and medication management.